47 research outputs found

    Design of high quality, efficient simulation environments for USARSim

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    This report describes how USARSim and MATLAB have been combined with some graphic design tools such as 3D Studio Max and Adobe Photoshop producing a personalized simulator which combines a high level of detail with a real time computing speed and a flexible interface for users. What is achieved in this way is that students of robotics of the University Jaume I in Castell贸 have at their disposal a tool that allows them to carry out virtual experiments with robots, whose satisfaction level is similar to that of a real test at the university

    Josep Verdaguer Roviretes. Dues 猫poques, un flabiolaire

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    Volem oferir un panorama d'un cas actual i proper, en Roviretes, en qu猫, a partir d'una visi贸 general de les circumst脿nces que envolten la interpretaci贸 o l'int猫rpret, arribarem a perfilar el gran canvi que ha experimentat el fet musical. Paradoxalment, el repertori ha tingut una transformaci贸 inapreciable. Josep Verdaguer i Portet 茅s un hereu dels m煤sics individuals que actuaven als balls de poble fins al principi dels seixanta i que reprenent aquesta activitat els anys vuitanta, ens mostra dues etapes en qu猫 la labor del flabiolaire s'ha transformat notablement.We would like to offer a panorama of a present and near case -Roviretes- in which, through a general view of the circumstances around the interpretation and the interpreter, we will out line the deep change undergone by the musical fact. It is paradoxical tha the repertoire has experienced an imperceptible transformation. Josep Verdaguer i Portet is an inheritor of the individual musicians who acted at the village dances until the early sixties and who, by starting this activity again in the eighties, shows us two stages where the task of the flautest has suffered a deep transformation

    Les encantades a "Canig贸"

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    Mujer joven con neuralgia del trig茅mino y paralisis facial

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    Rumors i llegendes contempor脿nies a Catalunya:una enquesta sistem脿tica

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    En aquest treball es fan con猫ixer els primers resultats d'una enquesta sistematica sobre relats folkl貌rics feta dins del projecte "Rumors i llegendes contemporanies: diacronies i sincronies", financat pel Centre de Promoci贸 de la Cultura Popular i Tradicional de Catalunya i integrat dins de l'inventari del Patrimoni Etnologic de Catalunya (IPEC).This study presents the first results of a systematic survey on folk narrative carried out in the project "Rumors and Contemporary Legends: Diachronies and Synchronies", financed by the Centre de Promoci贸 de la Cultura Popular i Tradicional de Catalunya, and integrated into the Invento y of Catalan Ethnological Heritage (PEC)

    The robot programming network

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    The Robot Programming Network (RPN) is an initiative for creating a network of robotics education laboratories with remote programming capabilities. It consists of both online open course materials and online servers that are ready to execute and test the programs written by remote students. Online materials include introductory course modules on robot programming, mobile robotics and humanoids, aimed to learn from basic concepts in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to more advanced programming skills. The students have access to the online server hosts, where they submit and run their programming code on the fly. The hosts run a variety of robot simulation environments, and access to real robots can also be granted, upon successful achievement of the course modules. The learning materials provide step-by-step guidance for solving problems with increasing level of dif- ficulty. Skill tests and challenges are given for checking the success, and online competitions are scheduled for additional motivation and fun. Use of standard robotics middleware (ROS) allows the system to be extended to a large number of robot platforms, and connected to other existing tele-laboratories for building a large social network for online teaching of robotics.Support of IEEE RAS through the CEMRA program (Creation of Educational Material for Robotics and Automation) is gratefully acknowledged. This paper describes research done at the Robotic Intelligence Laboratory. Support for this laboratory is provided in part by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (DPI2011-27846), by Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEOII/2014/028) and by Universitat Jaume I (P1-1B2011-54)

    Vagus nerve stimulation as a potential modulator of periictal psychotic episodes: A report of four cases

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    Drug resistant epilepsy (DRE) has been associated with a high incidence of psychotic disorders. Patients can develop psychosis after starting a new antiseizure medication, after undergoing resective surgery, or after implantation of a vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) system. The aim of this study was to investigate the modulation effect of VNS on psychotic episodes in DRE patients with a pre-existing history of periictal psychotic episodes (PPE). We retrospectively report the outcome of four patients from a single tertiary center with PPE prior to implantation. None of the implanted patients developed de novo PPE after VNS therapy. Regarding seizure outcome, all patients demonstrated a response to VNS with two who experienced who status epilepticus and three patients wtih a change in semiology with after VNS implantation. PPE disappeared in all the study patients, two of them at 6 months post-implantation and in the others after 2 and 3 years, respectively. 18F-FDG-PET results showed hypermetabolism in both anterior insular and medial frontal lobes which disappeared in the 18F -FDG-PET 4 years post-implantation. Based on the results of this series of cases we suggest that VNS therapy may be useful to modulatet PPE in patients with DRE, though effectiveness may be time-dependent